Friday, October 17, 2008

Not much of any update...

I called my doctor's office (as instructed by my doctor on Monday) this morning to try to get my test results. Come to find out, yesterday and today their office is moving to another building. No one bothered to tell me that last Monday when I made an appointment for this coming Monday. I'm glad I found out or I would have shown up at the wrong place! 
Anyway, I was told that they would not take a message and that I could not speak with the doctor on call as it wasn't an emergency. I guess it's not an emergency, but it is pretty important in my life! So I have to wait until Monday to find out. The waiting is really difficult.  I haven't been sleeping well at all. It's not so much that I'm upset or anxious... I just can't get my mind to slow down when I need to go to sleep. It's been an exhausting week. 

I have another ultrasound on Monday, so I assume I'll find out the results then. I'll post when I know more. We really do appreciate all the prayers we know are being made on behalf of this little sweetie.

On a lighter note, here's a conversation with my 3 year old sweeties that we had tonight while snuggling on the couch. Bekah and I were sitting together and Joey came over to join us.
Joey: Where can I sit?
Bekah: I skootched. You can sit next to me.
After Joey sat down...
Bekah: I'm in the middle!
Me: Are you the monkey in the middle?
Bekah: YES!!!
Joey: I'm the bear on the left.

He really enjoys the grizzly at the zoo.


Aunt Karen (Tyler & Katie too) said...

Great picture of you, Bekah and Joey. Love the grizzly bear picture too and the adorable conversation with the kids. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and your baby and know that God will keep watch over all of you.

The Fentons said...

I'm praying!